Sort a stack
PROBLEM : Given a stack, the task is to sort it such that the top of the stack has the greatest element. Input: The first line of input will contains an integer T denoting the no of test cases . Then T test cases follow. Each test case contains an integer N denoting the size of the stack. Then in the next line are N space separated values which are pushed to the the stack. Output: For each test case output will be the popped elements from the sorted stack. Constraints: 1<=T<=100 1<=N<=100 Example(To be used only for expected output): Input: 2 3 3 2 1 5 11 2 32 3 41 Output: 3 2 1 41 32 11 3 2 Explanation: For first test case stack will be 1 2 3 After sorting 3 2 1 When elements popped : 3 2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMPLE c++ IMPLEMENTATION : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*The structure of the class is class SortedStack...